Holdinator's Memories and Old Stuff Too

Let's party like it's 1999 and we're punk rock

Posts Tagged ‘Drums

Brief Interlude

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I’m interrupting my regularly scheduled blogs to talk about my dream that I had this morning before waking up.

I was walking away from work when I got a phone call from Aaron Bench. He said he was in town and wanted help finding this town house he was going to look at possibly renting. When I turned a corner I saw Aaron on his cell phone and so the two of us went and found this town house. (Aaron was short, like as short as one of my children, and I found myself patting him on the head like I do my kids, but he moved away from me.) The address was tricky to locate, it was a downstairs unit that had a treacherous set of stairs that wound down to the door. Thankfully, though, there was a separate street that had access to the town house, so you didn’t have to use the stairs.

Just as we got to the door, the residents of the town house got home from church. There were a lot of people who lived there, from a number of different families. I held the door all of them, and then went inside. The tour of the town house was brief, until they wanted to show us the storage space, which was located up a back set of stairs that lead to a room above the upstairs unit. We climbed the stairs and went into the storage area.

The first thing I noticed was a number of drum sets in the room, including one that looked a lot like my first (really second) drum set, the one I bought when I was 15 and used in Rash and CBA!. Upon closer inspection, it was my drum set, and it even included the original snare drum, the piccolo snare with matching design that I had traded with a kid named Joe when I was a sophomore for a more traditional snare with silver finish.

I noticed a number of notes scattered around about the different music lessons the kids in the families were taking. The people offered to let me take the drum set home.

Aaron signed the lease papers and then we went down the stairs from the storage area, and I suddenly found myself holding a puppy while Aaron used the bathroom. The puppy peed on the floor while in my arms, and someone helped me clean up after it, though they only helped me part way and I had to find more supplies to use. It was at this point that I found what I thought was a roll of paper towel that turned out to be drinking straws with paper-like texture.

It was at this point that I realized that Lewis and Jack were there with me. Jack had just done something a little naughty and was hiding himself under a blanket. I went over to him to talk to him and one of the people there came with me and began to philosophize about parenting and how she didn’t want to be one of those parents who just set greasy hamburgers and fries in front of her children. She said that I wasn’t really one of those parents because she had observed how I talked with and engaged Jack earlier in the day.

Then I woke up.

Written by holdinator

July 9, 2013 at 12:57 pm

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